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Implementing ScreenSteps in your contact enter with our coaching services

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By implementing a Performance Support System like ScreenSteps you can help your agents:

  • Onboard in less time
  • Achieve higher QA scores
  • Adapt to change more quickly
  • Reduce errors

But, while the benefits of ScreenSteps may seem great, it probably seems like a lot of work to get all of the content created.

It does take some work, but not as much as you might think. And there are ways that you can start seeing real benefits from ScreenSteps right away, even before you get all of your content created.

In this article we will explain what it is like to work with the ScreenSteps team and how we can help you see value from ScreenSteps in your contact center very quickly.

What is our goal?

Our goal is that every agent knows exactly what to say, ask, and do on every call, even if it is a scenario that they haven't seen before, or one that has just changed.

That is the destination we want to get to. To get there we will need to create guides for the different scenarios that the agent will encounter when answering calls.

But we don't have to reach the end destination before we can help you see a significant improvement in your operations.

Instead, we can focus on hitting milestones.

Imagine if you just took 10 of your most common scenarios and had them captured in ScreenSteps. That  would be ten scenarios that:

  • Agents wouldn't have to memorize
  • Wouldn't generate questions to you and the other mangers and team leads
  • Could be completed without mistakes

Wouldn't that save your organization a lot of time? And with that extra time you can go back and create ten more scenarios, and then ten more, until you finally get everything covered.

The important thing to understand is that you don't have to have everything documented before you start getting value - just the first ten.

How do we work with you?

Stage 1: Gathering

Importing your existing content

The first step is to import what you have. We will take your existing Word, PowerPoint, PDF, or Excel files and adapt your training information into ScreenSteps.

We often find that customers realize that a lot of this content is out of date or inaccurate. That is fine. We will correct and optimize it in the next step.

Identify the 10 most impactful scenarios

Next we will help you identify the 10 most impactful scenarios. These are the calls that are either most common or that take the most time. These are the scenarios that we will prioritize.

Stage 2: Preparation

Optimize the first 10 guides in ScreenSteps

Our team will then work with yours to optimize the guides in ScreenSteps for those 10 scenarios. We will work on these until a new agent can follow the guide successfully with minimal guidance.

We test with real agents

Once the guides have been optimized we will test them with actual agents. If problems are identified, the guides will be revised until they can be followed successfully. This is a very fast process of iteration that helps us optimize the guides quickly.

We help you set up your user login process

Our team will help you set up your login process (whether that be through invites, uploading a CSV, or setting up single sign-on).

We train your trainer

We will then schedule a 1 hour Zoom meeting to train your trainer on how to use these materials during training.

Stage 3: Optimization

Post training event coaching

After the training event we will host three 30-minute coaching sessions to recap what went well during the training event and further optimize the guides as well as the use of the guides.

What to expect at each milestone

Milestone 1: The "Top Ten"

At milestone 1 we will have documented, optimized, and implemented the 10 scenarios that will have the biggest impact on your contact center. What can you expect?

Taking care of the top 10 will reduce your training time by at least 50%. Why can 10 scenarios make such a difference? Because we are going to choose the most common and most complicated ones. These are the scenarios that take up so much of your training time. Getting them taken care of will produce an immediate benefit to your operations.

As part of our Quick Start package we will help you and your organization reach milestone 1.

Milestone 2: The "Next Ten"

After we reach milestone 1, we will identify the 10 next most important scenarios and tackle those. Most of our customers need very little assistance besides an occasional content review at this point. Using our "Top ten" scenarios as examples they are able to quickly build out the next ten. These should be released and implemented as soon as they are available.

Milestone 3: 85% coverage

Our next milestone will be making sure that we have 85% of the scenarios covered. To reach that point you will continue to identify the "next 10" most important scenarios until you have covered around 85% of your procedures

Milestone 4: Maintenance

You probably aren't ever going to get to 100% so we call this next milestone "maintenance". There will always be new situations that come up, but you will now have a process in place for capturing and presenting those scenarios so that your team can handle any change that comes at them.

Full money-back guarantee

At the end of our quick start package, if you are not completely thrilled with the results we will offer you a full money back guaranteed - no questions asked.

What about all of my content?

If you decide you aren't thrilled with ScreenSteps we will help you export all of your content as PDF files or HTML files. You won't lose anything that you have created.

As you can see there is very little risk to you, but great potential to remove the frustrations and inefficiencies that probably exist in your training program right now.

How much time will this require from me?

Here is how your time commitment will break down.

Action/Meeting Time Notes
Gather existing documentation 30m This should not take more than 30 minutes. You do not need to “improve” anything you are going to send to us. Just send it as it is.
“Identify and Prioritize” meeting with ScreenSteps 1 hour During this meeting we will identify and prioritize the processes and scenarios that will deliver the biggest impact on your training results. We will narrow the list down to the first 10 that we want to address.
"Top 10" process interviews 30m to 3 hours over serveral sessions Dependnig on the complexity of hte scenarios as well as the detail of the documentation you already have, this will take between 30m and 3 hours. After these interviews we will have a detailed outline of each of the ten scenarios.
Filling in “Top 10" process details 2 to 3 hours We will outline the structure of the “Top 10” processes, but you may need to add in screenshots for the interal systems you will be using. 
Agent testing for the “Top 10" 1 hour
Inviting users 30-60-minutes
Train the trainer session 45 minutes We will meet over a Zoom meeting to train you on how to run the training event.
Post training coaching sessions Three 30-minute sessions
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